Chloe Smith
Chloe Smith
Illustrator and Concept Artist
Newcastle, United Kingdom


I am a qualified freelance artist with an MA in Concept Art who is
passionate about creating fantastical works. My areas of expertise include character
design, environmental compositions, and illustrations. I also have experience working
in 3D and animation.

I have worked in collaboration with a local art gallery to produce concept art for an
interactive event, and also created high detail images which were exhibited in a student
gallery. In 2018 I released a hardback fantasy book featuring my illustrations and
writings, which is one of my most treasured achievements.

I am available for job inquiries and more than happy to adapt my art to your needs.
Please feel free to message or email me!


Concept ArtConcept DesignIllustration3D Modeling

Software proficiency

3ds Max
3ds Max
After Effects
After Effects