The Adventure Begins

Colour Variations

Colour Variations

Thumbnails - exploring different ideas.

Thumbnails - exploring different ideas.

Ideas Generation Sheet. Showing my thought process and the development stages of the art piece.

Ideas Generation Sheet. Showing my thought process and the development stages of the art piece.

The Adventure Begins

My submission for Atomhawk's 4th annual art competition; 'The Adventure Begins.'

There was a lot of back and forth to deciding what to do for the competition, and while I took my own dogs out for a walk to grab reference images to potentially use in my art piece, this idea suddenly sprung to mind because to my dogs, every walk is a new, exciting adventure.

Furthermore I had a lot of debate with myself whether I wanted this piece to be based on a beach, overlooking the sea or like this in a flower field but ultimately went with the windmill poppy field. I felt like this allowed me to tell more of a story with my art work.

The artwork itself consists of a mix of photobashing and matte painting and there were three variations to the final artwork - one being the dog with a harness, one with a collar and one with neither. My submission consisted of the dog with the harness.